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  • Writer's pictureJasmin Silva

My favorite 3 photos taken this year

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

This picture is from the "Double Exposure portrait with Snapseed" assignment. For this picture I had my brother model for me so I could take a picture of his side portfolio. For the background image I went outside and took a picture of flowers. I then used the Snapseed app to edit the picture of my brother into black and white. Afterwards I used editing tools to brush the background flower picture over his hair and clothes. I like this picture because of the effect and how it's in black and white, with a pop of color. To make this image better, I would use a different image for the background. I think using a different texture picture would make the overall image better.

This image was from the "Forced Perspective" assignment. For this picture I made my brother sit on the grass and pretending that he was being crushed by a giant shoe. I held my shoe close to the camera to give the effect that it was bigger than it really is. I like this picture because it looks funny and really cheesy. My brothers facial expression also goes really well. To make this image better I would try to focus the camera on my shoe better because it looks a bit blurry. I would also take the picture where there is less background stuff because the cars, houses and squirrel distract from the main focus.

This image was from the "High Shutter Speed" assignment. To take this picture I filled a balloon with water. I then held the balloon while my brother poked the balloon with a safety pin and I took the picture using the Lightroom App. I like this picture because you can see the shape of the balloon well as it pops. To make this picture I would take it against a more clear background so that you can see the water better. I would also try to take the picture without any hands in the way.

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This image was taken by Megan Bermudo from 2nd period. I chose this image because I really liked the colors of the sunset and how you can see the pier. I think it was beautifully captured and it almost resembles a painting.

This image was taken by Adam Chavez from 4th period. I like how the airplane left a white trail behind, it almost looks like it was drawn on. I think this picture is also really cool because you can see the sunset. This picture seems really lucky as it was taken at a perfect and unexpected moment

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