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  • Writer's pictureJasmin Silva

Spring Break!

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

Here are a few things I did over spring break.

1. This is a picture I took of my friends on one of our morning walks.

Over spring break I went on morning walks everyday with two of my friends. We met every day at 7:30 and walked for as long as we could.

We ended up discovering a lot of new places and visiting many thrift shops during our walks.

It was also my friend's birthday so she asked me if I could take pictures for her. It was very fun having a small photoshoot and I did my best to take her photos.

This is my favorite picture I took of my friend at a church in the Orange circle
2. This is my favorite picture I took of my friend at a church in the Orange circle

3. I took this picture at my friend's favorite tree.

4. I saw these cups at a thrift shop and thought they were fun and creative.

What I would change

  1. I would try to capture their faces instead of just their backs

  2. I would try to limit the plants in the back because it can be distracting for some people.

  3. I would have her pose without the balloons and from a different angle.

  4. I would try to take the picture of the cups by themselves because all the cups at the bottom distract from the main cups.

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