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  • Writer's pictureJasmin Silva

Thank You Mrs. Greenlee!

Dear Mrs. Greenlee,

Hi! Thank you for the amazing past three years of English and being apart of CTP. I have learned so much in your class and how to correlate it into my life. Your class has taught me to think deeper and find meaning in everyday things. I like all the lessons we did in English as it wasn't a typical English class where we just write reports. Instead we listened to podcasts, read books, and even learned about our ancestry. I want to thank you for trying to make the class a lot more fun especially with the current situation. I appreciate the webinars we attend as they are very helpful. Thank you for arranging those webinars as well as the mentor meals and informing us about different opportunities.

Being apart of CTP has taught me how to collaborate with others and build friendships. I think joining CTP was one of the best decisions I ever made as I got to meet great teachers and friends. I have gained great skills thanks to your guidance. In the future I will try to grow more as person. I am a very introverted person so often times it's hard for me participate and say what I want so I apologize for that. However, I will really try to speak more in your class as it is very comfortable space and I want to make the most of it. Your class has really helped guide me through my high school years.

Thank you once again for being an amazing teacher and I am really thankful that you have been my teacher. :)


Jasmin Silva

(these are just some pictures I've taken this year:))

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